Gah. Sometimes I really wonder why I do these things to myself. As I am a naturally curious person, I decided to go take a wander onto one of my favorite college blogs []. It was there that I saw that the lovely Katrina had posted a review of Boston College! You may or may not know, but Boston University is on my list, and Boston College is not. But I was curious nonetheless and decided to read the review of a college located in one of my dream locations.
It was certainly enlightening. As I come to understand, Boston College offers a traditional college campus, whereas Boston University is "embedded in the city." I am not a natural-born city-dweller. I live for the suburbs. Also, the vibes that she was reflecting on at BC seemed to really resonate with me.
This. Scares. Me.
I've set my college visit itinerary, so that can't be changed, but I'm really starting to wonder if I should seriously add BC as a college to apply to. I'm scared that I'm going to hate BU's campus. I've heard that BC is a better college in general, but then BU has a better English department. WHAT DO I DO?
In an effort to weigh the merits of each college, I did a Google search of "Best colleges for English..."
.. And I scared myself even more. Here I find a list of UCLA, Yale, Harvard... so many colleges. Ones that I would never consider due to their location. Some that I don't even think I could get into. And then others that I would dream of going to, but somehow never ended up on my list.
I just don't know. I feel like the way I conducted my college search was random, sporadic, and now I feel like it's led me in the wrong direction. I'm terrified that I'm going to choose the wrong college, and I really don't want to do that, obviously.
I've resigned myself to staying away from Google searches, and just focus on the colleges that I have chosen to dedicate my search towards. I am definitely content with the majority of colleges I'm looking at, some confirmed by searching, others not. I may add more schools to my list of colleges to which I'll probably apply, but don't have a large chance of getting in, or just don't have the opportunity to visit. Colleges such as Yale and BC.
I don't know completely where I'm going with this yet, but hopefully I'll find out. That's what this is all about, right?